My name is Jorge Prado, I was born in Mexico City, the son of an artist father and the father of an artist son. I currently live in Germany where I continue my artistic development, always with Mexico in my heart with every step I take.
Currently I have painted 9 countries and 42 places, between cities, towns, beaches etc around the world such as New York, Chicago, Berlin, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Krakow, Mexico City and more...
I consider myself a versatile artist, an experimental artist, I like diversity, I like to take risks and get out of monotony. I think that art is freedom and you can be as free as you want or can. I think that classifying art to a style is make art for others and not to enrich yourself as an artist and as a person. For me it is important to create, express, feel free and leave a little of me in each brushstrokes, and it is my gift to all who like my art. As well as for those who find it noisy to see my brushstrokes at the end. That is the intention of art to generate emotion in the spectators, to contact emotions, thoughts and energies.
My inspiration in art is called Mateo, maybe one day he will be the great artist and I am just someone who opened the gap or cleared the way.
Jorge Prado.
Awards and exhibitions
Mictlan exhibition day of the dead / Germany Offenbach am Main
Winner in the category ''Cubism'' with the Gallo's Mural for the American Art Awards.
Collective exhibition at the four seasons hotel in Mexico City
Collective exhibition Oscar Roman Gallery Mexico City
Interview for The Frankfurter magazine in Germany
Interview for Playboy magazine in Mexico
Interview for OPEN magazine Mexico
Interview for Rolling Stone Magazine 2020
Art on display at PILSEN Chicago, more than 10 pieces in different locations in the beautiful Windy City.
Exhibition in San Miguel de Allende "Faces of Migrants" Casa Europa